Photo May 2019 of our Daughter with our Keeper Females who will be considered for Breeding in 2023. In this before photo: Rajah left, Roksana center and Russia on the right.
These three girls are my Keeper's from my last litter. These current pictures were taken on their 2nd Birthday 1/18/2023! These babies are my life and I love them more than anything. Their Mother was lost when they were 3 1/2 months old. I took Zelda in for a routine spay and she didn't make it. Anesthesia is a killer. I was absolutely devastated, Mastiffs can't metabolize the anesthesia out of their systems normally. I am so thankful that I kept three of her babies so that she may live on through them and their future litters. They are out of Mountainheel's Jazzy Zelda of Beaver Creek and our Keeper male from 2019 Mountainheel's Dralion Cal Ripken The Iron Man. This whole litter turned out absolutely perfect. Below are pictures of the Keepers now! Look how they have grown.
Roksana, Rajah and Russia.
Roksana - Left, Rajah - Center, and Russia - Right.
Roksana, Rajah and Russia.
Roksana - Left, Rajah - Center, and Russia - Right.